3 Ways to Keep Confidence When People Doubt Your Goals
When you have big goals and dreams that are taking time to grow and cultivate, it can be easy to get down. Maybe you’re working toward a growing business, preparing to move across the county, or want to make a major life change. In order to remain focused on and working toward your big plans, try these strategies.
Why Availability is Key to Kicking the Avoidance Habit
Knowing how to make a change and actually making that change are two very different things. Often what stands in the way is avoidance. Avoidance differs from procrastination in that avoidance is typically tied to a mental/emotional block that persists, while procrastination is more short-term and situational.
How to Move Beyond Bullying Our Bodies
Our relationship to our bodies is simultaneously the most intimate, connected, informed relationship and the most volatile, time-consuming, and fragile one. Our bodies are wise. They house intuition and cues; they know.